Our Project Striver

We created Striver, a program that acts as a social media website for thoughts and quotes. The api we created randomly generated an inspirational quote that once could like and comment on. As you can see from the image, any user can add own post to their “forum”.

This is a picture of my teammates, setting up the presentation of our program. I especially enjoyed my presentation to Mr. Mort with random quotes references.

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This above is a picture of a user, creating his own forum using our application. This website allows user to post inspirational quotes and like their friends’ posts.

This is the group that was presenting next to us - they made an Application called Mind Swepper. This had all the features of actual Mind Sweeper game. I had fun playing it!!!

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Stock Application

This si the CSP project I visited was made by another group from MORT P4. Their program tracks the stocks of a few major companies such as META, QCOM, APPLE, and INTC, which is also the data from their API.

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Here is another picture of the stocks application. I really like its instant stock display

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Here is another picture of the Application

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Arts Projects - Ceramics Section, Art, Graphic Design

I visited the ceramics section, Art, Graphic Design.

There were plenty of well made pieces in teh ceramics section . This plate is the piece I liked the most because they got the San Diego Padres Logo and colors perfectly. Also the pumpkin was made perfectly and was extremely detailed.

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I concluded night at the museum by watching a talk, where he talked about Food Waste. He had many very interesting facts about the harm that Food Waste is bringing on our world, and made a very lasting impact on his listener to prevent themselves from wasting food and water.

Summary - Night At The Museum

I had a very good time at Night At The Museum as I got to see all my friends and compare the projects that we have been working on all trimester. Seeing all the different classes and perspectives of art was very fun, and I overall had a very good time at my first night at the museum!!!