MCQ Test Reflection

(1)In this below question there are two answers and I picked the first A and B. After reading again the Boolean var val1 and va2 applying the AND and NOT logical operation I picked the correct answers. group-flask-website jpg

(2)For this question, we need to pick two answers. I picked the first D and A. After evaluating again the the loop with missing condition for random function it is very clear C is the other answer. The option B is not correct since it does not satisfy the expected condition. group-flask-website jpg

(3) In this question, again there are two correct answers. In A the loop repeates 4 times of move forward, left, forward, right to reach the gray area. Also D has two inner loops of move forward, forward, left and againg has similar loop that reaches target. The options B and C does not few extra moves that will not reach the gray box, hence these are incorrect. group-flask-website jpg