Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 I had assumed that this would result in a point, but the college board says that it didn’t because the student’s response merely detailed the functionality of the code, not its intended usage.
Data Abstraction 0 0 Because the program  doesn’t use the described list, this doesn’t get a point.
Managing Complexity 0 0 This doesn’t earn the point because the written response doesn’t decribe how the list manages complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 This doesn’t earn the point because it doesn’t decribe the functionality of the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 This doesn’t earn the point because the student needed to add more detail about their algorithm in their response.
Testing 1 1 Because it satisfies all the criteria for row 6 and explains the two calls, this wins the point.

Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score CBd Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 This is worth the point because it satisfies all the criteria for row 1. The written response provides both the input and output, and the video depicts the code in action.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and explains the list name and its functionality.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The point is earned because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 3. It has a list that manages complexity and talks about what would happen if the list wasn’t present.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This qualifies for the point because it meets all the requirements for row 4. Both the input and the output are provided in the textual response, and the video shows the code in operation.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It has sequencing, iteration, and selection.
Testing 1 1 This qualifies for the point because it meets all the requirements for row 6. Both the input and the output are provided in the textual response, and the video shows the code in operation.

Submission 3

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 I believed they would receive full points for this portion, but the purpose wasn’t clearly stated, so they didn’t.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 2. The written response shows both code segments and shows a list in a loop.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Easily earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 3. It has a list and talks about what would happen if the list wasn’t present.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 4. It has a description of the functionality of a prodcedure and highlights the procedure itself.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Very much earns the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 5. It has an algorithm with selection, iteration, and sequencing and decribes the algoirthm.
Testing 1 1 Should earn the point because it fullfills all of the requirements for row 6. It shows the results of two calls with two different results and the specific conditions being tested in each call.

Submission 4

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Sudent Gets the point because they fullfilled all of the requirements for row 1. Their video and written response has the input, output, and program purpose + function clearly shown/described.
Data Abstraction 1 0 I was wrong that the student earned the point for this section. But college board didn’t agree. The student didn’t earn the point because the data stored in their list wasn’t in use in their program.
Managing Complexity 1 0 My mistake, that the student earned the point for this section. But college board didn’t agree. The student didn’t earn the point because their list isn’t being used in their code to manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 For the student, fullfilled all of the requirements for row 4. They had a good procedure and decribed the functionality of it.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Student gets the point because they fullfilled all of the requirements for row 5. Their algorithm has all three required parts and they describe iteration, selection, and sequencing.
Testing 0 0 no points earned, the student didn’t earn the point because they only describe the conditions tested, not the arguments of the code execution.

Learnings plus Reflection

I discovered through this grading exercise that there are some differences between my scoring and the AP record. I understood that the written response needed to include all of the rubric’s components. I lose the entire point even if I only miss one sentence in the written portion. So I have to be careful to incorporate all of the rubric’s requirements within the written response. I also need lists, an algorithm, and clear explanations of my code in my written response in order to fully satisfy all requirements. Finally, I discovered that it’s very simple to lose points if not all of a section’s requirements are met; some students had met all but one requirement and still lost a point.