Verify Tools have been installed

echo "Checking python is installed"

if eval "python --version"; then
    echo "Python is installed"
    echo "Python is not installed"

echo "Checking Conds is installed"

if eval "conda --version"; then
    echo "Conda is installed"
    echo "Conda is not installed"

echo "Checking jupyter is installed"

if eval "jupyter --version"; then
    echo "jupyter is installed"
    echo "jupyter is not installed"

echo "Checking javascript is installed"

if eval "javascript --version"; then
    echo "javascript is installed"
    echo "javascript is not installed"
Checking python is installed004l
Python 3.9.1204l
Python is installed
Checking Conds is installed
conda 4.13.0004l
Conda is installed
Checking jupyter is installed
Selected Jupyter core packages...[?2004l
IPython          : 8.2.0
ipykernel        : 6.9.1
ipywidgets       : 7.6.5
jupyter_client   : 6.1.12
jupyter_core     : 4.9.2
jupyter_server   : 1.13.5
jupyterlab       : 3.3.2
nbclient         : 0.5.13
nbconvert        : 6.4.4
nbformat         : 5.3.0
notebook         : 6.4.8
qtconsole        : 5.3.0
traitlets        : 5.1.1
jupyter is installed
Checking javascript is installed
javascript: command not found04l
javascript is not installed

Update repository with Bash

#go to the git directory
cd /pwd/../../
#make changes to files and then add
git add .
git commit -m "fake update"
git push origin master

Automate Installation!!

echo "installing Jupyter bash kernel"
pip install bash_kernel
python -m bash_kernel.install
echo "Installation complete"