This Post uses HTML fragments and JavaScript data to build a table.

Below table is built with Java Script data and HTML fragments

AP Computer Science Principles – Assignments Data

Here is the Java Script code explanation

This Java Script snippet defines HW Assignment function to hold assignment data

// define a function to hold data for a Assignment
function Assignment(week, topic, description, link) {
    this.week = "Week#" + week;
    this.topic = topic;
    this.description = description; = link;

HW Assignment array initilization used to populate the table

// define a Assignment Array 
var assignments = [ 
    new Assignment(0,"Tools and Equipment", 
    "Tool Setup Sprint and Pair Programming", 		""),
    new Assignment(1,"Introduction to Python", 
    "Fastpages Frontend Development & Bash Tutorial", 		""),
    new Assignment(2,"Data Abstraction in Python", 
    "HTML Fragments", 		
    new Assignment(3,"Creative Development Sprint", 
    "Program Design with App Lab by", 		""),
    new Assignment(4,"Python Web Server Project", 
    "Flask/Python Web Application & Fastpages local server", 		""),
    new Assignment(5,"UI Starters", 
    "JavaScript Tutorial", 	""),


Below defines the Course function and also constructs its instance

// define a course and build Course objects
function Course(name, assignments){ = name; // name of the course
    this.assignments = assignments; //assignments for this course

// make a Computer Science Course - with name and assignements
apcompsci = new Course("AP Computer Science Principles", assignments);

This snippet builds the HTML table body using fragments and Java Script

// define an HTML conversion "method" associated with Course
Course.prototype._toHtml = function() {
  // HTML Style is build using inline structure
  var style = (
    "display:inline-block;" +
    "border: 2px solid grey;" +
    "box-shadow: 0.8em 0.4em 0.4em grey;"

  // HTML Body of Table is build as a series of concatenations (+=)
  var body = "";
  // Heading for Array Columns
  body += "<tr>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Week" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Topic" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "Description" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "<th><mark>" + "HW Link" + "</mark></th>";
  body += "</tr>";
  // Data of Array, iterate through each row of compsci.classroom 
  for (var row of apcompsci.assignments) {
    // tr for each row, a new line
    body += "<tr>";
    // td for each column of data
    body += "<td>" + row.week + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.topic + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + row.description + "</td>";
    body += "<td>" + "<a href=\"" + + "\">" + row.topic + "</a>" + "</td>";
    body += "<tr>";
   // Build and HTML fragment of  body
  return (