Here is the Java Script code explanation

This Java Script fetches from a third party API, and display json data. This also uses the json data in JavaScript function as an object and prints the value.

// Clicking this button will call function fetchStocks() 
<button name="button" onclick="fetchStocks()" >Fetches the stock values in JSON format!!!</button>

async function fetchStocks() {
	// URL of 3rd party API to get stocks data
	const url = '';

	// HTTP Headers
	const options = {
		method: 'GET',
		headers: {
			'X-RapidAPI-Key': '61c6a629f7msh3c7c0f786cc7e20p158b5bjsnea9db1f03bc5',
			'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''

	try {
		// Fetch function
		const response = await fetch(url, options);
		// Wait until response is complete
		const result = await response.text();

		// Update teh HTML with JSON response data
		document.getElementById('tips').innerHTML = result;
	} catch (error) {


Click the below button for JavaScript to fetch 3rd party API JSON data.

Click the above button to fetch Stock values in JSON format.