AP MCQ Test Reflection

(Q36)In this below question there are two answers and I picked the first B. This is wrong since B has 1 & 2 as answers. Code choice 1 incorrectly assingns grade value. It does not assign grade C ever. Where as code 2 and code 3 correctly assigns values A, B, C to the grade variable as defined in the QUESTION. group-flask-website jpg

(Q42)For this question, we need to pick one answer. I picked the wrong answer C for Binary search. Infact the Binary serach algorithm expects that the input array should be sorted and in this example the input array is not sorted. So the answer B is correct. group-flask-website jpg

(Q50) In this question, again there are two correct answers. Algorith A takes the linear amount of time and Algotitm B also takes linear amount of time ot compute based on input size. Whereas Algorithm C and D are not linear in computation time. So the answer is Algorith A and B. group-flask-website jpg