Python Rapid API that filters out words that are not safe for elementary school kids

This is the Python Rapid API example using the PURGOMALUM API to filter some words with * that are not safe for elementary school kids

Requests is a HTTP library for the Python programming language. 
import requests

# url for JSON Rapid API service
url = ""

# add some banned words to filter from sentences
banned_words = "bloody,bugger,cow,crap,damn,god,goddam,jesus,hell,dead"
response = None

# builds the HTTP GET request with parameters and prints response
def get_response(sentence): # sentence to be filtered
    parameters = { #http GET parameters
        'add': banned_words,
        'text': sentence
    # Request filtered sentence
    response = requests.request("GET", url, params=parameters)  
    print("Original sentence: " + sentence)
    print("Elementary school friendly sentence: ")
# array of orginal sentences 
sentence_array = [
    "This is bloody hell !!!",
    "Holy cow is not a right phrase for elementary schools kids",
    "Crap - is not a right word that elementary school kids should use",
    "God damn it -- where is hte ice-cream?",
    "Phrase Jesus christ should not used in vain",
    "Highway to Hell was the song from AC/DC",
    "Dawn of the dead is an scary movie"

# Filter each sentence in the array
for row in sentence_array:
Original sentence: This is bloody hell !!!
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
This is ****** **** !!!

Original sentence: Holy cow is not a right phrase for elementary schools kids
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
Holy *** is not a right phrase for elementary schools kids

Original sentence: Crap - is not a right word that elementary school kids should use
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
**** - is not a right word that elementary school kids should use

Original sentence: God damn it -- where is hte ice-cream?
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
*********** -- where is hte ice-cream?

Original sentence: Phrase Jesus christ should not used in vain
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
Phrase ***** christ should not used in vain

Original sentence: Highway to Hell was the song from AC/DC
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
Highway to **** was the song from AC/DC

Original sentence: Dawn of the dead is an scary movie
Elementary school friendly sentence: 
Dawn of the **** is an scary movie